Community Events Fund August 2024

This is a preview of the Community Events fund 2024 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


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Privacy Notice

The information you provide is being collected by Nelson City Council to assess your eligibility for this fund.  Nelson City Council may also use this information for grant management and communication purposes. 

Please be aware that Council must retain records relating to this application for seven years under the Public Records Act 2005.

This field is read only. 

Applicants: please note

Are you applying for the right fund?

The Community Events Fund

These events are normally low cost for attendees and are accessible for everyone in the community.

See other funds:

Economic Event Fund

These events normally have a portion of visitors attending from outside of the region and generate an economic impact. Apply here.

Venue Hire Fund

The venue hire fund is intended to contribute towards venue hire fees at Nelson City Council facilities and is available for community events only. Commercial or for-profit events are not eligible for this fund. Apply here.


Funding allocations will be guided by the priorities set out in the Nelson City Events Strategy to prioritise funding for events that contribute community wellbeing benefits, and the Arts and Heritage Activity Management Plan to prioritise funding towards events that contribute to:

  1. A rich events calendar providing a diverse range of events for people to enjoy.
  2. A sense of identity providing opportunities for community groups to celebrate and share their culture.
  3. Partnership – Building the capacity and visibility of the community sector and promoting local creativity.
  4. Community Wellbeing – Promotion of the wellbeing and cohesion of the local community.

Who can apply?

The applicant must be a legal entity, e.g. an incorporated society, trust or association, or a business recognised under the Companies Act 1993. Proof of this through a certificate or other documentation must be supplied.

Where does my event need to be held to be eligible for funding?

Events held within the Nelson City Council boundaries are eligible to apply for funding from the Nelson City Events Fund.  Events in the Tasman or Marlborough District are not eligible for funding from the Nelson City Community Events Fund.

Incomplete applications and/or applications received after the closing date may not be considered.

This section of the application form is designed to help you, and us, understand if you are eligible for this grant. It is crucial that you complete these questions before any others to ensure you do not waste your time applying for an unsuitable grant.

If you have any questions in regard to these eligibility criteria, please contact Chris Pugh on (03) 546 0333 or

If you do contact us throughout the application process, please quote the application number below:

This field is read only. 

Confirmation of Eligibility

I confirm that the applicant ...

  • is a charity/non profit group or business and is not an individual.
  • will hold the event within the Nelson City boundaries. 
  • is not purchasing or improving privately owned facilities.
  • is not applying for professional fund raising services.
  • is not applying for activities already completed.
  • is not applying for costs already funded by council.
Please select below: * Required
You must confirm that all statements above are true and correct.